With the change in social media landscapes, it occurs to me that I should probably make more use of this rather dusty and cobwebbed section of my website.
So here I am! first off, there are some new updates to social media sites and where you can find me. Have a poke around at the bottom of the page and follow me, maybe say ‘Hi!’
Secondly, and the more important thing, is an update on the actual writing stuff.
Aulirean Gates 2, has a change of name. As I came to the end of it, I realised that Gates of Sorrow would fit better. If you have followed me for a while, you may recall that Gates of Hope also started life as Gates of Regret. Clearly, this is a title that is not meant to be used! I am confident at this point that the last book will retain its originally planned name.
Gates of Sorrow is written. But I have a heavy round of edits to complete before it goes to my fabulous editor. This means its release is likely to shuffle into the start of 2024 as I write this.
I’m still aiming to be earlier, but there are complexities in the Dragons' dialogue that may take a while and I still have 42 epigraphs to write.
Gates of Sorrow is likely to be shorter than Gates of Hope, so it is possible it may be faster to edit than I anticipate.
In other writing news Sky Breaker, (see other books section) has been shortlisted for the BFS award for best anthology. We are all delighted as it was so much fun to write!
